What CD player compares to NAD C545BEE?

My 4th NAD CD player just died. My dealer has so far kept replacing them. But I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a player in the $500.00 range that is sonicly equal or better than the 545 and is reliable. I like the 545 sonicly. It has absolutely no electronic glare. I realize it's a little dead-sounding, but that's ok with me. Dead is easy on my ears. This new thread is probably a little redundant but I like to narrow things down.
Agreed with Mr. Loomisjohnson. CA CD players sound very neutraul but I have never owned one so I cannot comment on their reliability.

Oppo Blu Ray players have been known for their good sound. Again, I don't know anything about their reliability.

Denon DVD & Blu Ray players may not sound as good as NAD or CA IMO but they are quite reliable. My sister purchased a Denon CD player in 1996 when she attended UC Berkeley and that Denon CD player is still working great.

Good luck
Cambridge. Don't get first generation 540C or 640C, look for v2 versions, or the newer 550C.