Special Forty?

So, I am an unabashed fan of Dynaudio.  I recently purchased a pair of Special Forty's with the stand 20.  At first, I thought...wow...did I make a mistake?  I added more sand to the stands, I changed their position several (read hundreds) of times, and even "tried" to rearrange the furniture.  All with the same outcome.  The sweet spot was miniscule.  It was there, but boy was it hard to find.  Then, I did something smart.  I moved them to an appropriate sized room.  And I again thought...wow.  but this time, in a completely opposite and positive way.  Oh my gosh.  These speakers (when placed in the appropriate room) are an amazing addition.  I absolutely love the sound they produce and the imaging is wonderful.  Rooms matter.  Room treatments matter.  And these Dynaudios will be staying right where they are.  My favorite new spot.


I'm curious,how big & what treatments in the bad room & same for the good room?

Thanks for your story. How many hours on the speakers?

@freediver +1

I have been helping a friend of mine put together an audio system and he finished purchasing components about a year ago and then he set out to set it up. Small room 12’ by 18’ (?). He took the ball and ran with it. Read articles and a book.

He tried it along the short wall, then long wall. Then used cushions and blankets and pillows (at my suggestion) to act as dampeners. After six months he began buying acoustic tubes and panels to replace the cushions and pillows. Then he moved things back to the short wall. [full height windows behind the speakers which he put half tubes).

I visited last weekend. His system sound was simply stunning. Nothing like how it began. He’s now going to put the spikes in the speakers and do the tiny tweaks. A complete success story.

I am using an integrated Simaudio Moon ACE in both rooms. I love the simplicity, the quality, and the sound. The power does limit my speaker choices a bit. The speakers have about 40 hours of play time.

The first room is 12x18, with the speakers on the short wall. However, it is hardwood floors with a 9x12 rug, 2 windows to the right, a stone fireplace and 2 wide openings to the left, and a larger opening directly behind. No bueno. The new room is also 12x18, speakers now on the long wall, but still relatively close together, now with carpet, less windows, more fabric furniture. Much easier to find a magic placement that sounds amazing everywhere.

Question for you Dynaudio enthusiasts. A while back, I was curious about the Heritage Special, at least partly because I liked the look. Considered buying a used pair, but I noticed what seemed like an unusually large number of pairs for sale, suggesting that people were trying and being disappointed. (I have never heard them.) Now Dynaudio has the Contour Legacy, which also appeals to me for many of the same reasons. I appreciate that the price premiums on these limited-edition models are a lot of marketing, but I’m curious what people who know the brand well think. Was the Heritage Special a sonic “miss?”  Is the Contour Legacy also?