amplifier from Canada

Does anyone know when the tariffs will begin to affect the prices? Until the US inventory lasts? I was about to pull the trigger on a Canadian made amp, but it may be too late.



“Everything I stated is true”. 

 That’s hilarious…sounds an awful lot like “Because I said So”. Good night fellas and no more political talk for me.  

@cfarrow Thanks for the typical narrow-minded response.  No worries - I’m sure tariffs will not be an issue for anyone in the US because we now have great leaders looking after us and doing the right thing. LMAO 🤣 🤣

I love down town inner cities alot of great surgical trauma to train on.didnt matter what thier politics were they still blead. back in the day I would tell them to go out and gladiate some more but make it here alive.we need the practice.every other night on call,whaT a rush. Enjoy the music Google out with your boots on.