Is there any such thing as a bad sounding DAC these days?

I think the problem of DAC for quality audio has been pretty much universally solved.  Not to say all DACs are equal, they aren’t, but do any that really matter these days not sound “good”?


Referencing my comment above. For comparison I was using a PS Audio Sprout 100. The DAC in that is much much better. On my main system I was using PS Audio Digital Link III, then a Chord Hugo 2, now a Yggdrasil. And yes each change made a clear difference. Massive gulf between Digital Link III and Huge 2, substantial but not earth shattering between Hugo 2 and Yggy. Now with the Yggy I feel like I’m set for a good long while. Time to look at amps.


FYI, Last time l looked at TMR, they had a used La Scala. They accept returns although they now charge a 5% restocking fee.

Wow, just want to say, I wrote my comment almost defensively and hadn’t read the rest of the thread.  I was ready to be attacked by the ASR folks.  It’s refreshing to read comments by others who judge their sound system based on listening rather than graphs and charts.  I’m not anti measurement at all, but I do think pure objectivity is a very peculiar way to approach listening to music.  And I don’t love being attacked for liking something they don’t think I should like.  

Apologies for cluttering up the thread with an off topic post, but thank you for being accepting and, well, … having a conversation like actual audiophiles!

After reading some of these opinions, it's obvious that you just need to spend more and more to get the best sound. frown

@ghdprentice : What DAC's from the early years of digital sound "hideous"? Inquiring minds want to know!