Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer

I have a pair of REL Ti9 subs in my dedicated listening room which is 12 x 17. I am looking for a pair of bookshelf speakers that would pair well with the subs. Searching on my own and watching reviews has made a choice even worse. So many to choose from. I mostly listen to jazz and blues with some classic rock thrown in. I have a good SACD collection and several dsd files. There are no audiophile stores close to me.

Any input would be appreciated.


+1 on Fritz. Great speakers that punch well above their price point.  I have a pair integrated with a pair of T5s

There are lots of suggestions offered above, but what is your budget?  Two more important factors:  What is your amplification and what sound characteristic is most important to you?

$5k tops. hard to describe sound characteristics because it is a personal thing. When I hear it I smile. What can I say. Same thing with wine. If I like it I drink it.

Never heard of Fritz. I will have to check them out also.