Analogue front end. You want more weight, scale and dynamics.Where do you start upgrading?

Is it the table, arm or cartridge, or perhaps phono stage? Assuming you have no clear weak links. Maybe even motor controller ?


Of course, that's exactly what I meant, everything else remains the same. That's the reason why I don't plan to upgrade the front end soon, I would have to upgrade everything, starting with the table, if I wanted big improvement. And I would want big improvement or why upgrade at all ?

I found that VPI turntables /  arms have very substantial weight and scale. While sprung turntables are often described as lively, VPI and other heavy mass unsprung tables seems to have much greater weight in presentation, Then, the higher the investment along these lines will net better dynamics, and other good attributes. 

I heard that some Nottingham fans prefer Spacedeck to more expensive and heavier Nottinghams because it strikes the right balance between solid presentation and liveliness.

i do plan to run that experiment this Summer w same Triplaner arm / Kuzma cartridge / armboard on DP-75 vs Brinkmann Bardo. TT isolation same HRS, captive cable remains constant… VTA will change…. i dont really expect the heavens to part…. but…..

Brinkmann offers both direct drive and belt drive turntables, that's unusual for one company to make both. Their best are belt drive, if I remember correctly.