Has it all been worth it?

I recently turned 63, and I've been into all things audio since the mid 70's. In that time I've spent countless thousands of dollars chasing that damn rabbit down the hole. Solid state, vinyl, cassette, CD, tubes, big speakers, small speakers, pricy gear, cheap gear...been there, done that. Sitting here in my less than acoustically friendly office listening to a Hi-Res version of Angie by TRS this is probably the nicest stereo I've ever had. And even with my compromised hearing (bouts of tinnitus, and a stroke) I know the music sounds as good as it ever has, but yet I can't help but ask myself - has this journey all been worth it? The money, soul searching, reviews, disappointment in the review when it didn't live up to the hype, "am I missing out by not owning _____" etc. Sometimes I wish I were more like my wife who just bought a cheap shelf unit to listen to her CD's and is perfectly pleased with what she hears.

Anyone else find themself at this point sometimes?


The age old question.  For someone my age (68) i remember loving music comin out of little am radio back in the 60's.  However, I also LOVE hearing all these new high res versions of classics on my 35k rig.    To me, the quest was always worth it.  Maybe why my jaw still drops when hearing some 500k system at a show I know I will never own.  

I’ve been at this since I built my first amp from a Dyna Stereo70 kit when I was 14.  That’s 66 years ago. 

Sometimes I say it’s definitely worth it. Sometimes I say meh because it is such a hassle. 

I curse the fact that I have excellent hearing. Bad sound drives me wacko (my wife says it’s something else but let’s not digress). I have cervically-induced tinnitus, but my hearing tested as that of a 40 year old last fall. My ENT guy attributes that in part to having developed good listening skills from being an audiophile. So I have to feed the beast. 

Just got back into 2ch 3 years ago. Before that I was a teen working as a dishwasher at a local restaurant. All my disposable income went into my stereo. It made a lot of noise, but not sure it was quality, at the time it didn't matter. 

Went into the Navy, somehow my middle sister owned my system. 

Got into home theater in the late 90's when DVD's came out. Lots of speakers, lots of dvd's. Still had a 200 disk CD changer, still purchased CD's. 

Then iTunes came out, most of my listening was on headphones, or in the car. adapters came out for the home system. 

Fast forward to 3 years ago, got back into vinyl, got a cheap TT, some vintage separates, and some KLH Model 5 speakers. I was hooked!!! The only piece left from that very modest system is my Cambridge Audio streamer. 

It's been fun searching everywhere for that one piece that was missing. Going to every record store in 100miles, my collection has gone from 0-3000 records. Have rebuilt my speakers, did a full restore on my pre & power amps, changed all my cables, got new stylus, new cartridges, done so many tweaks. Moved my speakers around 3000 times. 

Now it's the best sounding system I have ever had, it brings me joy everyday! A lot of time, I just look for a reason to turn it on. Now I'm just focusing on more records, some tweaks here and there. My new search is for a better cable for the TT.