Tube Pre/ Class D Amp - Who has done it?

Open forum for those who have actually tried this.  Really curious to know who has been happy, or maybe unhappy, with a tube preamp driving a Class D amplifier?

Of course, tube pre with a solid state amp is a classic pairing for hard to drive speakers, especially ESL's.   This is a little different.   I'm really curious to know what pres and Class D amps have had great synergy.


I used to run Orchard Audio Ultra DMC Stereo & Monoblocks with a BAT VK50-SE for many years. But recently, I've moved onto the Black Ice Aries/DAC/Preamp driving the Ultra's. Sometimes I'll direct drive the Ultras with my PS Audio DirectStream DAC Sr. (MK1). It's fun when you have options.

The Orchard Amps are a "straight wire with gain" philosophy which will then tell you how good or bad your source is. 

I run an Allnic L-7000 pre with Atma Class D’s and don’t miss the heat, but @marco1 has me curious to see if I need to test the Atma tubed power amps to see if I missed something.

I use an Audio Research ls28se Pre, in the past I used PSA m700 monos then switched to M1200. The M1200 really thump out the bass and that is what I was looking for as my speakers hold 4 12" woofers each. I have them and my subs running tru a modified mini DSP. Bass is very tight and controlled.