I’ve demoed both thr NAIA and p10. They have a similar sound.
Very upper mid range forward. I found both of them brittle and rather abrasive and thin. They are lively but zero weight or body.
Both powered by expensive Naim amps.
Both ran cartridges installed by Rega. The NAIA had the top of the line cartridge from Rega. Can’t remember the name.
I own the Pure Fidelity Harmony Mark II with the Savant tone arm.
The Pure Fidelity is a blend of the playfulness of a VPI Avenger with the weight of a Dr Feickert. I demoed all 3 with the same amps, same room and moved the same cartridge between tables.
I would go with the Pure Fidelity table. It’s also much better looking than a Rega…especially in the quilted maple.