Ok I can chime in here.....I own both the Pure Fidelity and the Rega p10
and a Rega p8
The PF with origin live mk4 se arm and dynavector xxmk2
Rega p10 with Aphelion cart
Rega P8 with get this their 50.00 carbon cart
all right now going thru Rega aria mk3 phono stage ( have others BUT want to keep it simple ) into a Naim nac 552
The PF combo is great so is the P10 combo BUT I haven't done all my listening yet, as the P10 is still in the warm up stage.
I agree with the above @sanctus555
about the bloom with the PF and its nice BUT I am not experiencing what he heard on the p10.....so your mileage may vary....I just need to do more listening as mostly with the P10 and P8.
Now I will say this the P8 is the BARGAIN of the hi end turntable world and with the cheapie cart too, its in the same pond as the other two..the other 2 are better, but man do I scratch my head when I listen to what it costs, punches way above its weight.