The DAC Scam - Almost everyone believes the hype

Over many decades I have owned my share of multi-thousand dollar dacs.My current is my Audio Alchemy DDP-1 + PS 5, which I have owned for ~ 4 years. I have made many changes to my system, including cables and it has shined a light on every one, so I tend to agree with the YTV . Your thoughts?


There was this discussion in the late 1970's early 80's about whether interconnects could sound different. It was really obvious they did back then... fifty years ago.

@tweak1   Actually, as true or false as it my be, none of what the gentlemen in video stated really makes a hill of beans difference to the average audiophile. This hobby is more about what captures your imagination, illusions, stirs ones emotion and passion more than anything else, regardless of price, or, sometime, performance. The equipment is just as important as the music itself. That’s what being an audiophile is all about. I just love gazing at my lovely, expensive audio gear (jewelry) just as much as I do listening to it. This doesn’t make me any less of a music lover. It’s all in the game. Happy listening.

This hobby for me was about how i ought to learn to install an audio system studying the three main working dimensions of any system , nevermind the price : mechanical,electrical,acoustical...


Most people are gullible to publicity and buy gear as upgrade thats all ...they are only interested by the gear : if they are subjectivist, they are moved by their "taste" about gear, if they are objectivist it is worst, they are only interested by some very limited set of measures...

Myself i learned how to do and what to do with any gear system, now i listen music and speak about music not gear....

I discovered also  in all these experiments the best possible introduction into deep acoustics science, a book as marvellous as philosophically important (sound sources by Akpen J. Essien) ... Thanks to this forum... i discovered the book discussing with engineers in audio who to my surprise ignore psycho-acoustics basis obsessed by electrical design over Thanks to them for this book i discover to help me when discussing with them, one is Amir...


I participated less here now because it is impossible to have deep discussion most of the times... Even discussion about simple tweaks or discussion about acoustics are too much...

Most discussions are about a product favored or disliked, it is free marketing...It could be interesting if we search for others opinion before buying but it is very limited if we want to study, experiment and learn...



I went from the chip decoder in my Oppo disk player for several years. Then after several years of reading, and watching various reviews of Dacs, I bought a Denafrips Venus 12th about two years ago. I was stunned at the difference. I did not believe how much better my system. The clarity, smoothness, less fatigue, hearing things I never heard before. Disks that are SACD, BLU RAY, DVD-Audio all were revealing. The Denafrips is easy to use. No volume control, simple to use nothing I dont need, just easy to use. No regrets. The Venus is the middle Dac in the lineup, offer great performance for the money.