Preamplifier options - seeking help to determine which one

Hello everyone


I have made a number of posts already and I hope you are not yet annoyed with all my beginner questions. 

I will proceed with a Yamamoto amplifier and I will need a preamplifier with a phono stage that allows my Denon 103R. 

Yamamoto makes two preamplifiers

1) Yamamoto Sound Craft CA-03 Vacuum tube preamplifier with built-in tube phono encoder 

2) Yamamoto Sound Craft CA-04 Tube Type Line Level Preamplifier

Ad. 1: This preamplifier is more expensive that CA-04 and it comes in two versions: Double volume adjustment or Level Attenuator - the latter being a bit more expensive. What is the difference here and what do you recommend me to choose? 

It allows for MC pickups but "Since the maximum output is about 28V, it can be used not only for MC cartridges, but also for MM cartridges with large output and MC cartridges with high output" - will it be a problem to use a Denon 103R with low output? Will it be necessary with a SUT to make the Denon 103R to perform better?

Ad. 2. This option is less expensive. It seems more simple but I'm not sure what the difference to the CA-03 really is. I guess I would need a external phono stage or a SUT to allow my Denon 103R in the system.


Bonus question: I use an Apple Airport (yes, I know) to stream from Qobuz. Can I use the Airport with both options using an AUX or CD input just as I'm doing with my current Sansui AU 9500? It's just to be sure.


Thank you very much. I hope you can help me elaborating on the differences and explain the different terms (attenuator, line amplifier, etc.). 



I’ve gone the passive route, Tisbury audio passive preamp, made in UK. I’m also using a smsl cd player with its own volume control, as well as the music hall ph 25.2 hybrid/tube headphone/preamp (own volume control), and the music hall A3 tubed phone preamp (own volume control). All these components hooked up directly into two NAD 268 power amps (class D) in a bridged mono block configuration. No need for a dedicated stand alone active preamp. Sounds great. This is one of 2 set ups I currently run.


The Denon 103R is a spherical stylus, the most basic, dare I say PRIMITIVE shape, with only 25db channel separation at 1khz, which limits it's performance regarding imaging, and has the least life expectancy due to all the forces applied to it's very limited contact area.

Do yourself a favor, try an advanced stylus shape with large contact area with excellent channel separation and tight channel balance, and resultant long life expectancy

I often recommend

MM: user replaceable stylus

AT750SH advanced Shibata stylus shape on tapered aluminum with 30db channel separation/1.0db channel balance

MC non-replaceable stylus (lasts far longer than spherical or elliptical, (renewed by pros or trade in programs))

AT33PTG/II MicroLinear on Tapered Boron, with 30db channel separation and even tighter 0.5db channel balance for superior imaging, the largest contact area, the longest life.

of course there are others, I'm not dragging a round rock thru my grooves.


Have you looked into purchasing this preamp yet? I don’t know what country you’re in, but in my country there is no dealer for Yamamoto. I was interested in purchasing one of their amps, because they seem to have a stellar reputation on the Internet (perhaps better known in the 1990’s) and relatively reasonable prices. But I found there is a 6 month wait to order their products with full payment upfront. Perhaps that isn’t an issue for you, but due to that factor I went with another option. I guess I’ll never know how good their products are.


"I’m not dragging a round rock thru my grooves."

It’s been a popular cartridge for over a half decade, with good reason. The denon 103 sounds fantastic if properly used with a SUT.

The late Art Dudley had a fondness for spherical/conical stylus, they are very organic and musical sounding. I'd have to agree. 

This is easy.  Get an external phono pre-amp.  It gives you ultimate flexibility and can sound better.