Preamplifier options - seeking help to determine which one

Hello everyone


I have made a number of posts already and I hope you are not yet annoyed with all my beginner questions. 

I will proceed with a Yamamoto amplifier and I will need a preamplifier with a phono stage that allows my Denon 103R. 

Yamamoto makes two preamplifiers

1) Yamamoto Sound Craft CA-03 Vacuum tube preamplifier with built-in tube phono encoder 

2) Yamamoto Sound Craft CA-04 Tube Type Line Level Preamplifier

Ad. 1: This preamplifier is more expensive that CA-04 and it comes in two versions: Double volume adjustment or Level Attenuator - the latter being a bit more expensive. What is the difference here and what do you recommend me to choose? 

It allows for MC pickups but "Since the maximum output is about 28V, it can be used not only for MC cartridges, but also for MM cartridges with large output and MC cartridges with high output" - will it be a problem to use a Denon 103R with low output? Will it be necessary with a SUT to make the Denon 103R to perform better?

Ad. 2. This option is less expensive. It seems more simple but I'm not sure what the difference to the CA-03 really is. I guess I would need a external phono stage or a SUT to allow my Denon 103R in the system.


Bonus question: I use an Apple Airport (yes, I know) to stream from Qobuz. Can I use the Airport with both options using an AUX or CD input just as I'm doing with my current Sansui AU 9500? It's just to be sure.


Thank you very much. I hope you can help me elaborating on the differences and explain the different terms (attenuator, line amplifier, etc.). 




"I’m not dragging a round rock thru my grooves."

It’s been a popular cartridge for over a half decade, with good reason. The denon 103 sounds fantastic if properly used with a SUT.

The late Art Dudley had a fondness for spherical/conical stylus, they are very organic and musical sounding. I'd have to agree. 

This is easy.  Get an external phono pre-amp.  It gives you ultimate flexibility and can sound better. 

My friend, met here, is in love with his DL103 cartridges, he brought two variations here, I was anticipating some unique magic.

They were easily bested he had to admit. I know many love them, I just shake my bewildered head, as I do when I come across so many very expensive Ellipticals.

Not all Christian Scientists, but cults exist, and will long after I'm gone.


I don’t think you can go wrong with a tube preamp and a beefy solid state power amp. Which ever preamp floats your boat, go for it. I would try to audition any equipment first. A long trip is worth it to hear it. 

Hello and I've just read your post hence the delay in replying.

I owned and loved a Yamamoto A011 (VT52) amp for nearly 9 years.

I've also listened to both the Yamamoto C03 with the 'normal' and stepped attenuators.

I have a few observations and opinions which you can follow or Ignore as you please. The A011 actually puts out about 1.8 watts, before clipping, as measured on a 'scope with load resistors, not 3 watts. It would simply not drive my Audio Note ANJ speakers at all! I did get a very quiet sound out of a pair of AN Es which are nearer 92db rather than 98db. I think you have to use this amp with a pair of easy-to-drive speakers of at least 100db. I have a pair of Lowther back-horn-loaded TP1 speakers which are 105db and play at rock concert levels with less than half a watt! The VT52 amp was brilliant with the TP1s BUT did hum in between tracks (less than 1mV hum) Speakers around the 100db mark will sound great and not have noticeable hum so are Ideal. So the likes of Klipsch Heritage Cornwalls or bigger. Maybe Zu audio speakers, Most Lowther BHL speakers, Avant Guard, or other speakers with an active bass?.

  The Yamamoto CA03 is a very nice phono stage/pre amp. I've had to clean a friend's  stepped attenuator CA03, a few times, to stop loud clicking noises caused by dc on the attenuator burning the contacts. The 'normal' attenuator CA03 doesn't have this problem and sounds just as good so that would be my choice (and it's a bit less expensive). 

Oh and I still have a complete set of NIB and NOS valves for the VT52 amp

and the CA03 preamp, They would be for sale if you wanted them.