When we study acoustics we begin to understand how the gear pieces together or separately affec sound quality...
it is evident that 100 bucks speakers cannot gave a S.Q. rivalling top speakers...
It is a common place evidence...
My point is nevermind the speakers price , "half" of the soundfield quality will result from speakers/brain/room relation and from our ability or unability to control this relation.
Reviewers are like the consumers to which they adress their opinions : they sell the gear pieces chosen, they dont sell or advertise about the way to control our experience with acoustics...
At best they recommend panels...
Reviewers as consumers are together in the same ignorance pit by the force of their circumstances, they focus on the gear design not acoustics concepts and experiments...
Dont accuse reviewers buy a mirror and confront your ignorance... It is what i have done for myself 8 years ago......