The Insane World of High End Audio! Is it All a Scam?

This 15 minutes of youtube video by "cheapaudioman" say a lot and hide a lot...

He review low cost products ...

His analysis of audiophiles world here seems fair to me...

But nowhere in all his videos and in this one  he mention "acoustics" as the basis of audio hobby, the anker of any system  and gear piece  evaluation and satisfaction...

He  always talk about the gear... Probably acoustics for him as for most is only acoustics panels purchase...

My point is not that the audio world of audiophile is a scam with scammers...

Not at all.

It is ignorance  of what is acoustics basics that makes people victim of their own decisions  and a potential prey for honest or dishonest sellers..



And they create battle (subjectivist versus objectivist) which are meaningless...

Acoustics are critical and most people ignore that.
And it’s frustrating that people don’t see this.


The most stunning thing i ever experienced in audio, is the huge modification induced by the room materials composition not only the walls, floors, cellings composition, but the furniture... And the geometry and topology of the room...

More than that i was flabbergasted by the effect of small resonators made of cheap materials had on my sound experience... I created 100 of them... I call them "mechanical room equaliser"

Acoustics control dwarf choice between cables or between dac and amplifier... The only exception will be going from a very bad piece of gear to a top one...


All matter when we create an audio system , even cables... But nothing compare to acoustic analog control...

i dont own a digital room control ( save my modest equalizer now) or which will be the ideal tool and gear : the BACCH system for sure...

Why did i know if this system is so astounding if i did not even never listen to one ?

i studied acoustics...

I know what are the spatial aspects of sound and how to control them in my room... But an analog system as mine was is not ideal even if it is spectacular... It is not refined the way the BACCH system is...( my mechanical system dont adress for example HRTF  measures)

It is the only upgrade worth of my money...

I am happy and dont think about buying one now , my budget is very thin...

Ok i shut my mouth...




The most stunning thing i ever experienced in audio, is the huge modification induced by the room materials composition not only the walls, floors, cellings composition, but the furniture... And the geometry and topology of the room...


Ok... starting to sound just a tad wacky now...a bit shun mooky...a bit crystalline kookalicious...maybe some stalactites and stalagmites are next in this acoustics intervention, eh? 

More than that i was flabbergasted by the effect of small resonators made of cheap materials had on my sound experience... I created 100 of them... I call them "mechanical room equaliser"



What sounds good to you? That's all that matters. Trust your ears. As you progress through this hobby your senses will evolve.  Always trust your ears.  You are the only one that can educate yourself. Enjoy the music.

Perhaps you are educated and know who Helmholtz is and why he is the father of modern acoustics and what his main tool was before electronics: mechanically tuned resonators ?

Keep sarcasm and think...

Ok... starting to sound just a tad wacky now...a bit shun mooky...a bit crystalline kookalicious...maybe some stalactites and stalagmites are next in this acoustics intervention, eh?

There is many devices in mechanical acoustics... This is one thing...


There is other devices completely secondary compared to acoustics devices...

Audiophiles called them "tweaks" ... I explored everything by the way in the last 12 yeears but never bought tweaks (save Schumann resonators )... i had opinion if i can justify them by facts or experiences ...

For example Schumann generators works but it is a mere tweaks and the effect is real and subtle but do not compared to the main tools from acoustics science..

I decided i will not spoke anymore of my non-acousticals experiments because they are secondary and funny experiments and because narrow mind use sarcasm to mock others... i dont like that...

Acoustics science rules audio not tweaks or separated gear pieces costly or not...