I am very conscious that most people are not in retirement as i am, most people dont have the luxury of time to study and experiment, most people either dont have the luxury to have a dedicated room.
In some case they have money then they purchase gear pieces...
Then my claim that acoustics concepts concrete understanding matter more cannot be popular not a very welcome claim...
But truth matter...
I hope people begin to understand also that by acoustics i do not speak about room acoustic solved with few panels and devices but more importantly about a change in our own perception and understanding of sound..
Hearing is innate, listening must be learned and our mind must tame our brain as well as our room...
When our mind begin to tame our brain, i means that our biases change not only with parameters change but by our conceptual change...
Buying gear is secondary... And not interesting as such compared to the improvement you are able to create by yourself in the room and in your mind......