The Insane World of High End Audio! Is it All a Scam?

This 15 minutes of youtube video by "cheapaudioman" say a lot and hide a lot...

He review low cost products ...

His analysis of audiophiles world here seems fair to me...

But nowhere in all his videos and in this one  he mention "acoustics" as the basis of audio hobby, the anker of any system  and gear piece  evaluation and satisfaction...

He  always talk about the gear... Probably acoustics for him as for most is only acoustics panels purchase...

My point is not that the audio world of audiophile is a scam with scammers...

Not at all.

It is ignorance  of what is acoustics basics that makes people victim of their own decisions  and a potential prey for honest or dishonest sellers..


I am very conscious that most people are not in retirement as i am, most people dont have the luxury of time to study and experiment, most people either dont have the luxury to have a dedicated room.

In some case they have money then they purchase gear pieces...

Then my claim that acoustics concepts concrete understanding matter more cannot be popular not a very welcome claim...

But truth matter...

I hope people begin to understand also that by acoustics i do not speak about room acoustic solved with few panels and devices but more importantly about a change in our own perception and understanding of sound..

Hearing is innate, listening must be learned and our mind must tame our brain as well as our room...

When our mind begin to tame our brain, i means that our biases change not only with parameters change but by our conceptual change...

Buying gear is secondary... And not interesting as such compared to the improvement you are able to create by yourself in the room and in your mind......

So you moved a 100 resonators around, tuned them all...they interact/complicate things, exacerbate other resonances or not, comb filter or whatever.....but, you placed a 100 resonators all in their ideal lil spots by ear??? not a single measurement involved.... 

Well, Mah, the bards shall sing of your acoustics genius for many generations, hereafter (starting with me...laugh ). 

I modified my small speakers on the same principle guiding way...

I designed 100 not as a task...

I begun with one...

I observed the result...

Then i designed few others...

I discovered that location matter not just size...

Because a room is itself a resonator...

it seems sarcasm had replaced thinking...

You dont catch that a set of different resonators dont work as only one...A set work on a large band frequencies not a thin band. And a set work by modifying the room pressure zones distribution by his placement. A resonator not only absorb some frequencies but diffuse some others.

When you exacerbate a resonance you compensate with another tuning...

Comb filtering is not just a problem it is a tool...

How do you think Dr Gorike has deal with comb filters effects as a tool to create one of the best headphone ever the AKG K340 ?

He use 5 tuned Helmholtz resonators distributed at a specfic placement in the dual chamber of the headphone..

I studied his patent to modify and improve my pair..

I did as him but in my room using the same acoustics principles..

Anyway it is useless to discuss with you, i remember your sarcasms from my discussion with Amir.

Good evening...


So you moved a 100 resonators around, tuned them all...they interact/complicate things, exacerbate other resonances or not, comb filter or whatever.....but, you placed a 100 resonators all in their ideal lil spots by ear??? not a single measurement involved....

Well, Mah, the bards shall sing of your acoustics genius for many generations, hereafter (starting with me...laugh ).


My point in this thread is about the way we scam ourselves by ignoring acoustics principles and trusting subjectivist reviewers or worst,objectivist reviewers...

Why ?

Because the 2 groups condition us to focus on gear design and pricing instead of focusing us on our own power to control acoustically our system/room not just buying upgrades..

And even if we cannot go very far in our our living room because our wife will not gave us any right here, we must read about acoustics to understand what is "sound"...

Thats my point...

Of course it can be useful if we must buy something to read reviewers of the 2 groups above, I am not against reviewers. They are most of them as ignorant than the consumers. because for them gear pieces matter more than acoustics..

For me it is evident it is the reverse, acoustics  makes us able to put any system at his peak potential...