it seems sarcasm had replaced thinking...
You dont catch that a set of different resonators dont work as only one...A set work on a large band frequencies not a thin band. And a set work by modifying the room pressure zones distribution by his placement. A resonator not only absorb some frequencies but diffuse some others.
When you exacerbate a resonance you compensate with another tuning...
Comb filtering is not just a problem it is a tool...
How do you think Dr Gorike has deal with comb filters effects as a tool to create one of the best headphone ever the AKG K340 ?
He use 5 tuned Helmholtz resonators distributed at a specfic placement in the dual chamber of the headphone..
I studied his patent to modify and improve my pair..
I did as him but in my room using the same acoustics principles..
Anyway it is useless to discuss with you, i remember your sarcasms from my discussion with Amir.
Good evening...
So you moved a 100 resonators around, tuned them all...they interact/complicate things, exacerbate other resonances or not, comb filter or whatever.....but, you placed a 100 resonators all in their ideal lil spots by ear??? not a single measurement involved....
Well, Mah, the bards shall sing of your acoustics genius for many generations, hereafter (starting with me...