New Magico Speaker Break-in Question

This afternoon, I received my new Magico A5s, which replaced Revel Studios that I have owned for more than 20 years. The A5s are definitely more clear, have superior imaging and provide at least equal soundstaging. The bass is tighter, but, with three 9" woofers, I am surprised that it doesn't go very deep at all (fortunately, I have two SVS SB17-Ultra subwoofers that will easily take care of that shortcoming).

However, there is one aspect of these A5's performance that I find a bit disquieting and the reason for this post. The treble in the 2KHz to 5KHz seems to be a little [what I'll call] shrieking; it is somewhat uncomfortable to listen to for an extended time. I know that this loudspeaker uses a beryllium tweeter, and I have never had a speaker before that employed one. Perhaps, its tonality is what I am reacting to .

And so, my question. I have read that it takes 250+ hours for the A5s to break-in and become the speaker that Mr. Wolf and his colleagues intended. As part of that break-in, will the tweeter also blossom and become easier to listen to? 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjmeyers


 I'm surprised to hear your thoughts on the Salks. I have Song 3 and it's one of the pieces of gear I would never sell. Perfect clarity but not fatiguing to me. Different tweeter though.

That's because it was the tweeter, not the Salk as a brand, itself. That's why I also mentioned a different brand, Focal. In both cases, it was, I think, the tweeter.

To @jmeyers  - really good speakers, capable amps, all seems in place. I’m very interested how this turns out after the long burn-in cycle is done.

Both @hilde45 compared notes some a few years back, and I have run into this whole "be" tweeter matter before. Recently went to a friends house and changed out some alloys for soft domes for him on some speakers I made years back.

Some designers have even walked away and back to really good soft domes. However, I tend to believe the right crossover design could help, but that’s a guess too. An adjustable one [dare I say] but may be unique to each persons system, room, etc.

Also, meant to ask, are you running "silver" or silver over copper interconnect and speaker cables by chance?


Keep us posted here to let us know how it turns out, okay?

I own a pair of A-5's in my second system.  First most high end speakers are "broken-in" at the factor.  Next I've not found any harshness in the tweeter.  I think as others have said they are more revealing to downstream components.  I would look to your DAC.  Interesting you found they lacked bass.  I do not experience that.  It may be that your just "used" to subs in your system that have boosted the low end too much.  These are truly great speakers. Congrats

2 questions these like current what amp are you using ,

land these Xovers take at least 150 hours to start opening up

and 300 hours to full run in ,a couple guys have them in one of our audio clubs .

the B&W 803D4. May have given you more bang for your Buck  retail I think yours are around $25k after covid.

"@skinzy Interesting you found they lacked bass.  I do not experience that. ". 


Yep. I wonder.   Another symptom of those pesky Mundorf caps in the speakers. Long Long break-in. I did not get the more natural tone, warmth, depth of bass out of all of my prior and current Mundorf cap installs until 100-200 hours, and still better after 300hr hours.  Painful time for forming and settling in with electronics and likely as long with passive crossovers. If you are an inpatient person, you might end up reselling anything with Mundorf caps in it before realizing the full potential.