floor-stander speaker for "classical"

Dear A-gon citizens...very small room, roughly 10 x 11, and looking for above. I have Rega TT, Rega CD player and a variety of amps, including SS, chip and tube. Thoughts are appreciated. My feeling is, due to room size, this will need to be a small model.
To ME...and especially with classical music, the quality of the midrange makes the deal...I like Vandersteen. I don't think you can get better for any of the price categories that Vandy's provide.
The new Monitor Audio Silver 8 is the new benchmark in the pricerange till 2000 dollar. I never heard any speakers in this price range this stunning. In europe it wins every battle. And also has get many editors recommendations. Just take a listen.
You need a good preamp that can separate the instruments and provide soundstage depth versus buying speakers Think DHT preamps
Naim is fully 2 dimensional. Every single brand has his own properties. One of the propertie of an amp is how a stage is build by the amp. Naim is placed in the 2 dimensional amps. Since 2007 my focus is fully on 3 dimensional sound. I eliminate all 2 dimensional amp and sounds. Because 3 dimensional image is superior over 2 dimensional image. 3 dimensional sound is the most convincing part of better sound quality in audio.

You would only buy 2 dimensional sound when you are not familiar with 3 dimensional sound. It is that simple!