Is the Sony xa5400es better than scd-1?

is the sony xa5400es better sounding than scd-1? please i needs your comments.
07-22-10: Buconero117
Wait for the refurb's of the 5400, rumored to sell at $699.

They already have my email address to contact me when the refurbs start showing up!!Gotta love the boys at Sonystyle!!
Wow a XA5400ES for $700 would make me seriously reconsider my inclination to quit SACD.

I set the SCD-1 and the 5400 for a side by side comparison and matched levels. On redbook it wasn't even close. The 5400 is much more dynamic. Everything has more rhythmic snap. Also vocal elements recorded in a live space have appreciably more air and presence. It was very palpable on a lot of vocal recordings. Wide, deep soundstage. Very 3-D. In comparison the SCD-1 sounded rather flat and one dimensional.

Playing SACD's, the 5400 presented the music with more air and presence but differences between the units were not as dramatic (as I would expect).

I subsequently had a VSE Uber Clock and Balance Output Board upgrade done the 5400. Everything was taken to another level. Comparable and in some instances superior to vinyl.

I love my SCD-1. It's in my office hooked up to a Chord 64 DAC to some vintage McIntosh electronics, and like the McIntosh gear, it's a classic. The 5400 does not come close to the build quality of tank like SCD-1, but sonically the 5400 is its sonic superior (as it should be after 10 years). Now I suspect if you had a full VSE Level 7 modification done to the SCD-1 it would be competitive with my modded 5400, but barring that, its just not even close.
Okonrad, I'd be curious to know if you've compared the upgraded output of the 5400 to the Chord 64. Thanks.

I had the same experiance when I compared the scd-1 to the xa9000es side by side. Not as heavy duty as the old scd-1 but of equal build quality. I kept the xa9000es.