PS Audio PWT / PWD digital connection

Is it RCA or BNC? I've seen pictures with one or the other, but can't tell if it is actually available with BNC connectors as an option. Anybody know?
i have no doubt Mrtennis is in the minority regarding his impressions of the hdmi connection (and the perfect wave combo in general). many/most folks who have tried the I2S/HDMI connection (and commented here and elsewhere) think the hdmi is the best way to hook the PW pair up.

i'll go a step further and say the I2S connection is what enables the pwd/pwt to run with the big dogs. my limited A/B comparisons proved this to be obvious to me at least. did some detailed testing using some nice esoteric gear and found that only with the hdmi line, were the two close. the pwd/pwt makes for a very good digital front end using traditional hook-up options. they become an outstanding digital front end and giant killer (giant peer is more accurate) using a high end hdmi line.

not a tech guy so i have no explanation as to why. the most obvious improvements i found were improved extension up high and down low. more/clearer detail up top. much better 3d imaging/soundstage. midrange smoothness like i've never heard before.

as always....opinions will vary.

The HDMI cable used definitely affects the character of the sound. Some users that find the PS Audio HDMI cable too forward in perspective (in a particular system like Mrtennis) might want to try the Harmonic Technology Magic Audio Only HDMI cable. It was designed specifically to optimize digital audio transmission and provides a warmer presentation that in some systems gives a more natural and musical perspective.
Mine has RCA. I'd call the peeps at Music Direct. They're helpful and friendly IME.
Tony, Music Direct must be using a pre-production photo. The BNC was replaced by RCA...see Here
That must be it. Too bad. I know PS Audio is promoting their I2S connection, but for something as cutting edge as this it's a shame they didn't provide a proper 75 Ohm connection as the coax alternative. Odder still seeing that they must have thought about it at some point before full production.