Reimyo CDP-777 vs Ayon CD-5

I am curious if any Audiogoner's have had the opportunity to compare these two great redbook players? Both warm, analogue sounding and both pushing the limits of redbook design, though from different schools of thought; one being solid state & the other being a tube design.

There is no doubt the Reimyo is built around a great transport, but do the virtues of Ayon's Skylla-based player put it on a level pegging?
There is a small blurp in the 6moons skylla review about how the skylla sounds a lot like the reimyo but it lacks a bit of their depth, resolution and softness but costs five or six times less.
Hi Kingstyles1, yes I read that review, but would like to hear from any members who have personally compared the two players. Reviews can be a bit biased, no disrespect intended to reviewer Wojciech Pacula. Cheers.
The "blurp" in the 6moons review refers to the Reimyo separates, not the DCP-777 player.
No comments? It would be awesome to hear from an Audiogoner who has compared the two players!