Will Squeezebox Touch play iTunes from USB Drive?

Can I use a bus-powered USB drive (e.g. G-Drive Mobile) with a copy of my iTunes Library (Apple Lossless) to it connected to the Squeezebox Touch?

I've been experimenting with the AEBS settings (Wireless->Radio Mode->, also Wireless Network Options->Multi-cast rate andUse Interference Robustness), even relocating the AE closer (10'-20') to the SBT and for the most part no significant change in it's signal strength (avg. 50-60%+). Then after setting the AEBS back to 802.11n only (2.4GHz), Multicast Rate at 6 Mbs, and using Interference Robustness, and restarting the other AEBS and AE the SBT signal strength suddenly shows 90-100%. But after I start playing music it goes right back to constantly re-buffering. This SBT as a wireless music server is useless. At least in my situation. Why the SBT can't stream direct from my iMac makes no sense when it has Airport. I'm assuming it is going through the wireless network from the AEBS, then to my iMac, and back.
Is there anyone else using SBT with Apple (iMac, AEBS,..) that could offer some insight with set up/configuration?

Could the SBT be constantly re-bufffering because of the music file size (Apple Lossless)?

The whole point with using this music server/streamer is the "wireless" capability (no ethernet cable or other external device; USB drive). But if it won't function as that without the constant interruption then it's useless as a wireless device and I'll have to either use ethernet cable from my iMac, use the USB bus-powered mobile drive as originally intended, or return it, once again (SB3).
Continued wireless issues with re-buffering, or just not responding at all (not playing when it shows it's playing, but not re-buffering and won't pause). Strange thing is for a while it was playing fine and showing 30-40% signal strength, but soon began re-buffering. I was moving the AE around different parts of house and yet even with 80-90%, even 100% signal strength it would still re-buffer. Also tried ethernet cable from AEBS ethernet port and it seems to be working fine, so far. Will using ethernet cable between iMac and SBT also work?

My theory; limited memory/buffer with SBT for Apple Lossless music file via wireless.
It's having the same issues with ethernet connection; re-buffering, non-resonisve,...etc.

These Squeezebox devices are garbage. I've experienced nothing but playback issues with them. They're a perfect solution if and when they work, but for the most part useless if unable to play music w/o interruptions.
I have used the Touch in 3 systems, wired and wireless, and not had any problems. If you are having problems, it is external to the SBT or, possibly, you have a defective one.
