Rhapsody dropouts on SqueezeBox

I am getting constant dropouts when streaming on Rhapsody on my Squeezebox. I also run Pandora and get no dropouts whatsoever. Anyone else had this problem and solved it? I've run it wireless and with ethernet, both give me the annoying dropouts.
Rhapsody has been very intermittent for the last couple of months. Some days it will play for hours with no problems. Other days it will stop every couple of songs. Usually when this happens I just skip to the next track and most times it starts playing again. However, there are some days that I can't access Rhapsody at all. Lately, most of my casual background listening has been on Pandora. I've experienced this Rhapsody problem on multiple Squeezeboxes and Sonos units at multiple locations with multiple internet providers.
I have a Squeezebox touch with wireless connection through an Airport Extreme. Connection rate remains consistently above 63%. NO DROPOUTS using Rhapsody or any other services. Internet connection is a 3 mbps.

You might want to check your internet connection speed and the percentage transmission connection on the squeezebox. Rhapsody is a higher band transmission than Pandora (192 kbps vs 126 kbps).
Winger, I have run Rhapsody for three years with no problems until recently. I checked my internet speed and all is well. Also, I stream internet radio stations at 192 kbps and have no problem there either. When I stream movies from NetFlix I don't get dropouts. I tried removing the router and run it straight from the modem via ethernet....still dropouts. I've posted the problem on the Rhapsody public forum.