Rhapsody dropouts on SqueezeBox

I am getting constant dropouts when streaming on Rhapsody on my Squeezebox. I also run Pandora and get no dropouts whatsoever. Anyone else had this problem and solved it? I've run it wireless and with ethernet, both give me the annoying dropouts.
I have a Squeezebox touch with wireless connection through an Airport Extreme. Connection rate remains consistently above 63%. NO DROPOUTS using Rhapsody or any other services. Internet connection is a 3 mbps.

You might want to check your internet connection speed and the percentage transmission connection on the squeezebox. Rhapsody is a higher band transmission than Pandora (192 kbps vs 126 kbps).
Winger, I have run Rhapsody for three years with no problems until recently. I checked my internet speed and all is well. Also, I stream internet radio stations at 192 kbps and have no problem there either. When I stream movies from NetFlix I don't get dropouts. I tried removing the router and run it straight from the modem via ethernet....still dropouts. I've posted the problem on the Rhapsody public forum.
I got several responses on the Rhapsody public forum with several users having the same problem. No real consistent fix has been found for it yet.