Best 2CH SACD Player for $2k Or Less, New or Used?

There are some threads similar, but the newest is over 2 years old. I would appreciate your thoughts on what you fell is the best 2 channel SACD player available, new or used, for $2k or less.

I need a quality, well built player to ensure my ability to play my SACDS well for the coming years, as I expect not many players will be available before long.

Thanks for any recommendations.

To clarify, I meant the diffences in the sound between the VSEI modded player and the Modwright modded player.

I've had both mods on a Sony 9000--VSE and Modwright. The Modwright's sound was such an unbelievably great sound and improvement on anything I'd ever heard in my system up to that point (Ayre CX-7 was the previous winner although I didn't buy that unit--didn't think it was worth the 3000.00 in better sound--very beautiful sound, ok bass, not the last word in dynamics). The MW 9000 was everything I could ask for and played SACD's too. Seriously, everything Dan Wright has done has been great sounding. The VSE 9000 was very detailed from the mids up but the bass wasn't satisfying and the dynamics were well behind the MW. I didn't listen to cds much when I had the VSE. I almost prefered cds to vinyl when I had MW. And I was a strict vinyl first dude prior to it. I now have the MW 9100 with all of Dan's mods and it is even better sounding than the 9000. I would never have sold the 9000 except Dan gave me a unbelievable deal on the 9100 I couldn't pass up plus it was 4 years newer and therefore, likely to last longer. As was said earlier, if you see a MW player on Agon, better act fast--you won't be sorry.
there is no best is consistent with what you said, tpreaves.

there are many themes/questions dealing with the best "something".

there is no best "something" in audio.what is best is a matter of opinion, since the standards for judgment are idiosyncratic.