Oppo BDP-95 sounds GREAT?

Stereophile Sept.: Oppo‘s BDP-95, it plays everything and sounds great. Any experience with it? How great is „great“ in reality? Great comparable to Wadia, EMMlabs or Esoteric? Great enough for those „masterings“ which gave us monthly sonic revolutions the last 20 years? ,Great‘ to impress anybody who hates CD‘s and is forced listening to it?
The sonic truth between 0 and 1? I am looking for a CD Player. Where‘s the experiemce of this reference sound quality secret?
I have an Oppo BDP-83SE which has been modded and have owned the 95 since they were introduced.

The 95 compared to the modded 83 is apples to oranges. They play differently, the 83 with a bit more resolution and the 95 being smoother with a lower noise floor.

I put my 95 up against a Eastern Electric Minimax a few weeks ago and was surprised. The EE simply bettered my Oppo. More air, more resolution more PRAT. This was in someone else's system. There will be a rematch soon in my system where we will add a Tranquility and dream that someone will drop a NAD M51 my way.
Can the USB input on the 95 only access a thumb drive, or can it access an HDD, NAS, and/or server/transporter?
I have my BDP-95 running a 3TB "My Book" through its USB port. I've also used the eSata port and may try that again. It was a bit flaky for me. I am interested on a possible difference in quality - USB vs eSata.

Note: You cannot use a drive larger than 2TB unless you reformat to 2TB using the Windows MBR file system. You essentially give up space over 2TB. A brain fart on my part.
Desalvo55: Please report back results of Oppo 95 / EE rematch in your system ... interesting results the first time out. Thanks. Very nice system BTW.