An interesting Digital vs. Analog experience

On Friday I visited my local hi fi store where Garth Leer of Musical Surroundings was showing off the new Clear Audio Master Innovation turntable and Jim White of Aesthetix was on hand with a lot of his gear. The speakers were Focal Stella with dual JL Audio Gothom subs. Obviously, the point of the event was the turntable, but I'll have to admit that when the music was temporarily switched from the turntable to a labtop both my friend and I thought the digital sounded better.

I've heard A/B comparisons in the store before using identical recordings and in that case preferred the vinyl, but this time with the recordings being different I would have left with a very different impression.

I mentioned it to Jim White (I didn't discuss it with Garth Leer since because I didn't want to rain on his parade) and his comment was that the system was tailored for analog so I'd probably really enjoy a system that was intended for digital. I think the computer was using an Aesthetix CD player for the DAC.

It was the first time in a long time that I was blown away with the sound of a system in that room, it made my system sound very humble (as it is in comparison) in a way that I had not heard before. It was the first time that I've heard Aesthetix amplification making the Focal Utopia's shine.

I guess what I'm saying is that both vinyl and digital can be amazing, but the difference in convienience is astounding.

I could see myself owning a pair of Stella speakers, but I don't think I have enough organs to sell to pay the bill. I doubt my wife would be willing to chip in...
"the price performance ratio is absurd, especially when analog can cost as much as a Greyhound bus”

and what is the DCS scarletti stack ? $70K ? Wow...amazing how a $20K turntable setup (well sorted) will smoke the DCS.
just to be clear: I do not have an axe to grind. I have both analog & digital & know which one is better for me.
The point of my reply is to further enhance Rockitman's post who has already pointed out that Orpheus10's shallow post (shallow 'cuz he did not do any research to find out prices of hi-end digital gear) is shallower than shallow!
Besides the dCS stack, add the EMM Labs gear, Wadia CD players, Reimyo digital gear, top-of-the-line Lavry digital gear, top-of-line Audio Note UK gear & the blooming list goes on & on......
The price of admission for that quality digital gear (which precisely the gear that has given you the experience & feeling that it rivals &/or bests analog) is no less than a Greyhound bus!

If you want to make a statement like that Greyhound bus one, atleast make it hold some water......
The way I understood the JM Lab / Focal story was that JM Lab was making drivers for other companies under a second name at their request. They didn't want people to stop purchasing their product when they realized that they could purchase a full speaker from the company that was making the drivers. At some point JM Lab / Focal desided to just go with one name and be done with it. I thought they still made drivers for other companies? I'm pretty sure that at one point Focal supplied Wilson with drivers, but I may be all wet on that.
I have not heard anything , digital or analog that will compete with , let alone smoke the DCS stack .
It does`nt matter, the vinyl-digital threads inevitably become the Hatfields vs McCoys, just check the countless previous ones per the archives.
Hatfields vs McCoys-----sounds a lot like Irish Alzheimer's:
They forget everything but the grudge.
Too much baggage from past audio relationships.
One must treat the new with an open eye (ear).