Audiolab 8200CDQ

Hi. Any Audiolab 8200CDQ owners out there? I just got mine and I'm in my third hour of CD listening. It's going to be a few days before I start throwing 24 bit at it with my laptop. I'm just looking for someone to shoot the bull with about this unit. For me, this thing is like going from a Ford Escort with manual windows to a fully loaded Mercedes. There sure is a lot to this source for the money.
Yes, I have had mine for a couple of months now I think and I'm getting along quite well with it.

Unless you are spending big bucks it's tough to beat and it is very versatile. Sold my CD player and DAC and haven't looked back.

I found the Optimal Transient XD filter setting to be best but YMMV.

Running a Squeezebox Touch via coax and it's doing a fine job. I would be curios to know how you make out with the USB input. Supposedly the Touch can be tweaked to run USB out but it's tricky to get it going properly so I've decided to leave well enough alone for the moment.
From what i know the Designer of the Audiolab and the Peachtree Audio Nova is the same. How will they compare (in the dac section?)
Audiojedi. I've only had mine up and running for two days now and haven't used the USB yet, only CD's. I too like the Optimal Transient XD filter the best. Hopefully I'll be streaming 24 bit this weekend if I can find a deal on a USB cable. I might have to use the one from my printer in a pinch. I'm also very much so enjoying the Audiolab. I've read a lot of professional reviews that said to run the unit with the display turned off. Not sure I can tell the difference but that's what I'm doing anyway. I put some Herbie's Tendersoft Feet under it today and one of Herbie's weight's on top of it and I everything tightened up a little (I think....could be placebo effect).

So are you playing 24/192 from the Squeezbox? I'm not too familiar with them.

For music storage I just ordered a 2 TB Western Digital network drive on Amazon because the floods in Thailand have put the 2 largest manufacturers of hard drives under water and prices are sky rocketing. I got the 2 TB for $149 where Newegg already jacked the price up to $199 and they're supposed to go higher.

Singleendedsingle. Yes, John Westlake designed the DAC for the Peachtree. I'm not sure how they would compare. I wish I knew someone where I live who had one so we could find out. (I live in Rochester NY of anyone out there fits the description)
There are a series of threads on the CDQ on Pink Fish Media to which John Westlake has contributed. His postings suggest that the CDQ is substantially better than his previous work.
Thanks Afranta. I've read those threads. I was actually hoping the OP would find them. John Westlake has gone on record to say that the Audiolab is the DAC he's been promising to make for ages, and that it sounds better than any other digital product he has designed. As far as he's concerned, he bested the Peachtree. I've never heard a Peachtree but I own the Audiolab and it was for sure a great deal compared to what I was using as a source for almost the same amount of money. I've barely tapped into it's potential.