PS Audio PerfectWave DAC Upgrade

Paul McGowan has leaked some information about a major upgrade the perfectwave DAC that will be coming out within the next few weeks. Pricing as of yet unknown, but current units will be field (DIY) upgradable.

Apparently, major changes were made to the digital processing board, involving changes in the powersupplies, and replacement of CMOS switching for the gates and clocking with analog switches.

Second, new jitter reducing circuitry called NativeX was implemented.

There are more as of yet unannounced new features.

Apparently, SQ on all inputs will benefit, including the bridge. Exciting stuff.
edorr it. Sounds fantastic. One step closer to having the band front and center. I noticed bigger improvements to the bridge but the PWT also sounds better. Zero fatigue, silky smooth with the most non- digital sound I've heard from digital. I think you're gonna love it buddy. We stole it at $795 lol!

Install was easy for analog type A board. Type B looks a little harder but not much. Watch the video once or twice and you'll be fine. If my fat trembling fingers can do, anyone can ( kinda cool playing with guts of the thing as well lol)

I have the B version. I would love to hear an A/B comparison between the A and the B versions. The A version has a direct "dedicated" interface protocol for the I2S clock cables, while the B version requires an "adapter-type" approach which, from a layman perspective, looks like a more complicated circuit, longer cables and all.

My PWD has never sounded better. I already had exceptional sound-staging, imaging and openness (airiness) with the MKI version. The MKII version does all that in spades, I just don't have the ability to say just how much better the MKII version is since there's no way for me to compare the two.

Some MKII owners (many...most...maybe all but me) are hearing what they call very obvious and immediately noticeable difference. Again, my PWD with MKII upgrade sounds ridiculously good...excellent...I just can't honestly say that I can discern such an obvious and immediate difference. I really want to.

I haven't done any real serious listening since everything should by now be "properly broke-in." I'll do that real soon.

Bottom line, some folks easily shell out $800.00 (easily) for one power cable. At $800 the MKII upgrade is such a no-brainer...
Ben, I think that most people would need to hear both versions in the same system and be able to A/B them to get a good handle on the differences between them. I hope that someone is able to arrange this and report on the results.
Ben, you have a very valid point. The only way/reason the changes were obvious to many of us is due to the preparation we had to undertake to make any comparison at all. This was the first time I've ever "taken notes" and "studied" for an upgrade. Knowing an a-b wouldn't be an option forced some of us to really focus on a handful of tracks to carry over ASAP to the mk2. For me.....this was why things sounded obvious from the get go. Had I not prepared and comments would be the same as yours.

This is exemplified by the fact that I now have no detailed observations to report. Specifics on the mk1 sound are now a distant memory for me. Putting in music I didn't "prepare with" yields me your thoughts and comments to the tee.

Am yet to hear a negative review of this upgrade. No doubt some will eventually chime in not so happy but for me.....this thing is a slam dunk.
After more than 2 weeks of listening I agree with Levi that the MKI is but a distant memory.
A direct A/B might be interesting to read but I know,for me, there was a major jump in the signature of the MKII. Where I notice it the most is exactly the areas that I felt were weak in the previous model.
The stage was good but not great as were the separation of tones and instruments and midrange kick. The highs are now beautifully tonal and not at all fatiguing.
Not to say that the MKI was not enjoyable.
It was a great "bang for the buck".

The MKII is "a great bang for ANY buck".