PS Audio PerfectWave DAC Upgrade

Paul McGowan has leaked some information about a major upgrade the perfectwave DAC that will be coming out within the next few weeks. Pricing as of yet unknown, but current units will be field (DIY) upgradable.

Apparently, major changes were made to the digital processing board, involving changes in the powersupplies, and replacement of CMOS switching for the gates and clocking with analog switches.

Second, new jitter reducing circuitry called NativeX was implemented.

There are more as of yet unannounced new features.

Apparently, SQ on all inputs will benefit, including the bridge. Exciting stuff.
Hi Ben, just finished listening to some hi-res music you recommended a while back(i believe?). good call, as it was something i never would have stumbled on...but really enjoy now. Poncho Sanchez and Congo Blue from hdtracks (24/88). only problem is, i s*ck at articulating what i hear. will do my best but please do ask if something i say doesn't make sense. am thinking the new native x mode is responsible for most of the changes as that's where/when i could hear the differences best (not all though).

track 2 (B*Same Mama) had some very noticeable differences in my set-up(and to my ears of course). horns really separated and moved back and up. layer and definition....detail wouldn't be accurate imho because i had a ton of it before. after the horn "solo" towards the middle...the other horns blend in sweeter/softer but have a distinctly separate position/image. before they sounded almost stacked/crunched they sound side to side...separate but very close (think live). also noticed the keyboard imaging stayed very consistent. this was not the case before as it shifted considerably as the song progressed. key's also seemed to have more dynamic range then before...becoming much more evident during certain sections. i do think there's a little more to it then my comments relay. bigger and "live-er" is what i'd call. no doubt many subtle differences help accomplish the new overall sound.

as a side note, i'm ecstatic about how it managed to up the bar on both the bridge and pwt. seems to me the bridge benefited a bit more because it sounds closer to the pwt now. they could be REALLY close or equal now imho. will know more soon and report back. this is the result i had hoped the most for. fingers are crossed!.

again...apologies for lack of audio terminology and sophistication....hope it points you in direction at least. this was the best i could do with 1 day under my belt. =)
Hey Lev,
My board is to arrive next week. Was it easy to install? What do you think now? I can't wait.
Sgr it. Sounds fantastic. One step closer to having the band front and center. I noticed bigger improvements to the bridge but the PWT also sounds better. Zero fatigue, silky smooth with the most non- digital sound I've heard from digital. I think you're gonna love it buddy. We stole it at $795 lol!

Install was easy for analog type A board. Type B looks a little harder but not much. Watch the video once or twice and you'll be fine. If my fat trembling fingers can do, anyone can ( kinda cool playing with guts of the thing as well lol)

I have the B version. I would love to hear an A/B comparison between the A and the B versions. The A version has a direct "dedicated" interface protocol for the I2S clock cables, while the B version requires an "adapter-type" approach which, from a layman perspective, looks like a more complicated circuit, longer cables and all.

My PWD has never sounded better. I already had exceptional sound-staging, imaging and openness (airiness) with the MKI version. The MKII version does all that in spades, I just don't have the ability to say just how much better the MKII version is since there's no way for me to compare the two.

Some MKII owners (many...most...maybe all but me) are hearing what they call very obvious and immediately noticeable difference. Again, my PWD with MKII upgrade sounds ridiculously good...excellent...I just can't honestly say that I can discern such an obvious and immediate difference. I really want to.

I haven't done any real serious listening since everything should by now be "properly broke-in." I'll do that real soon.

Bottom line, some folks easily shell out $800.00 (easily) for one power cable. At $800 the MKII upgrade is such a no-brainer...
Ben, I think that most people would need to hear both versions in the same system and be able to A/B them to get a good handle on the differences between them. I hope that someone is able to arrange this and report on the results.