PS Audio PerfectWave DAC Upgrade

Paul McGowan has leaked some information about a major upgrade the perfectwave DAC that will be coming out within the next few weeks. Pricing as of yet unknown, but current units will be field (DIY) upgradable.

Apparently, major changes were made to the digital processing board, involving changes in the powersupplies, and replacement of CMOS switching for the gates and clocking with analog switches.

Second, new jitter reducing circuitry called NativeX was implemented.

There are more as of yet unannounced new features.

Apparently, SQ on all inputs will benefit, including the bridge. Exciting stuff.
no doubt G. i've had three people tell me i looked tired at work this week. can't stop listening. tell myself i'm only going to listen for a few minutes....then 3 hours goes by. am hating my alarm clock this week.

whats really funny is...i come home tired and do it all again LOL!

outstanding upgrade!. can't get enough.
The comparison that need s to be done is the PWD against the Berkeley Alpha MKII.
Agree with comments above. An amazing upgrade. Smooth extended highs. More present and gripping lows. Higher and bigger soundscape with more depth and precisely separated image placement. Dynamics and extra heft and punch were immediately noticeable.
A couple nights back, I brought my Mk I to Sgr's house, and we A/Bed it against the Mk II in his system (which is sounding very impressive, btw). All present agreed the Mk II is a very noticeable improvement, particularly in areas such as detail, spaciousness, imaging, and clarity: the Mk I sounded sludgy by comparison. Though I'd have to listen more for a fuller description, I'd say the Mk II retains the relaxed non-edgy feel that I like in the Mk I. I suspect that a majority of (satisfied) Mk I owners will think the upgrade money well spent.

This is one of the biggest no brainer upgrades I've ever heard. It is a remarkable improvement. One can hear the results as soon as you plug the unit in and press play. Better bass, wider soundstage, image location, image size is proper, all the tributes that analog is known for. I really can't find an issue.NativeX really makes a difference. During the burn in it just sounds better and better. Now after about 6 days it sounds very liquid, spacious and analog sounding. Everything is in its place and when you put on a recording that will stretch out your system and you give it the gas, look out . . .