you missed my point with the analogy.I understand your point/analogy and it's flawed IMO.
Blanket proclamations aren't persuasive, just another personal opinion.I guess you missed the part "From my experience ..."?
For the sake of discussion, let's say I agree one cannot rip a bit perfect CD copy (There are protocol, error handling and checksum so it will read and re-read until it succeeds. CS 101).
If can't succeed in a batch ripping process, what are the odds of succeeding in REAL TIME with CD transport and a 5 to 10 seconds window DAC buffer? So with CD transport, it never processes a Xerox copy of the CD? Data just dropped? GIGO?
CD is probably the worst medium to use in Real time compare to other mediums such as HDD, SSD ... Some CD transports realize this problem so it buffers a track before play. Checkout Lamporizator website, Lukas published statistics accessing different mediums and it's very interesting.
Dvavc, I'm not a customer of Audiogoner but base on his post, he knows his stuff. I've yet to hear anything negative regarding his products. Plus if you ever need service, no need to issue an international man hunt to find him. GL!