What is the best transport?

I want to upgrade my transport. I am using the Audio Note CDT 2. My dac is the Audio Note 2.1x sig. I have not yet auditioned any new transports, but have read up on the Audio Note CDT 4 and the Esoteric P-03.

Both of these are in the 16-18k price range. My budget can go that high. Will my dac be good enough or be overpowered?

What else is available which should be considered?
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Alex, if you really want to hear whats possible from your computer upgrade to Windows Server 2012 and implement the Audiophile Optimizer. The Fidelizer just gives you a hint of what's possible.
When all is said and done audio decisions are (should be) based on actual
listening as opposed to theoretical predictions. So with my ear-brain
processing I simply don't hear the superiority of computers. I understand
other listeners have drawn different conclusions from mine, so it goes with
subjective circumstances. I'm glad we have choices.
Suppose you're not trying to get the absolute best quality sound, but only strive for really good sound quality. Let's say you're the equivalent of someone who doesn't adjust VTA/VTF for each record or doesn't label each album for absolute polarity. Clearly that person is not maximizing the fidelity of his system. In that light having a computerized music server is no big deal. It actually might not be the best quality source, but it certainly can sound extremely good and the convenience factor is off the charts.
Thanks to Hew, I have installed Win Server 2012 R2 and also the Audiophile Optimizer.

Just installing the 2012 R2 made a nice difference in sound compared to Win 8, but the result of running the Server 2012 in core mode with the AO is the absolute best possible sound I've ever heard from a computer - "digititis" is gone and I hear pure analog-like music. Simply amazing and highly recommended - a real hope for computer based audio.

Will follow up with shootout results against my DTR-M digital transport and the Kuzma/Dynavector table in a couple of days.

Bottom line, since I have both Apple and the Server 2012 based commuters, you really need the above mentioned setup to really hear what is possible.

Thanks again Hew for the info!

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev