Music Servers-Why so few?

With the explosion of Dacs and discussions of computer audio one would think the server market would flourish as well. Where are all of the "big" names and their offerings? They can certainly produce Dacs. With the exception of Bryston, it seems the small companies are the only ones who offer something and then its a crapshoot as to who will be able to answer an email or have a decent website with useful information. Where are they?
I recommend to avoid the all-in-one servers unless you just cannot navigate a computer. They force you into using a certain playback software, ripping software, formats, resamplers, DSP etc.. These are usually not the latest and best performing available, such as the free tool XLD for ripping on Mac, Amarra, Jplay or Pure Music player, or the Izotope resampler. These will all be obsolete with in a year or two.

You are better off to just buy a Mac Mini and put the best software on it or pay someone like to do it for you. If you juse need a transport, then buy a good USB converter. Then you can upgrade both software and hardware over time as things improve.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Alot of people want the advantages of computer playback without a computer in the audio rack. I was set on a Mach2Server until it got more complicated as I kept looking into it. I dont care for Media Monkey and J River interfaces. I just need the basic ipod playback functions and a remote app for my ipad along with a great playback system. I dont want to have to tweak and play arond with just to keep the playback optimized.

Bryston seems to be the only one who has produced a stellar playback system without the PC. It looked like the Linux based systems would continue to evolve. They will play back bit perfect without a fuss. I was all set to get the Auraliti but never heard back from them.

I guess it will take more time for things to materialize. It should be interesting.
Another option is a DIY but pre-designed server that can be upgraded. One that is a computer, is small, and made to go with your audio components.

You can check out the C.A.P.S. v2.0 that was designed by Chris Connaker, the founder of Computer Audiophile. It looks like a fun and rewarding project and something I may do as well. There is quite the ongoing thread with this post.
I heard a demo of the Lessloss Laminar Streamer at RMAF. It is very promising IMO. Not sure where it will fall price wise though.
Forgot to mention, that the C.A.P.S v2.0 can be purchased pre-built from Small Green Computer, and you can use an app to control it from different pads, etc.