Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?

Most of the erudite and precise contributions to this forum concerning the Logitech Squeezebox have made me think I should just go right out and buy one. Over at the forum on Logitech's own website the users complain of one malfunction after another: sound drop-out, unplayable files, album cover mix-up, firmware updates that seem to cause more trouble than solve problems, and many more. Comments?
"Is it worth the upgrade to a Squeezebox Touch from a Squeezebox Classic 3 if it is being used with a W4S Dac 2?"

For CD level source material, I'd guess probably not just from a sound quality perspective. I found no significant difference in sound moving from similar older ROku Soundbridges to SB Touchs using the same external DACs.

If you have an interest in higher res sources perhaps but be leery regarding the actual improvement in sound quality and value proposition for many high res recordings out there.

One might make the move more just to get to more recent and better supported technology and usability features of the Touch. OR these might not matter much to some.

As usual, it all depends....

I moved from Roku Soundbridge to Touch devices over the last year or so mainly for better performance in regards to eliminating rebuffer events and delays during listening and for the Touch devices ability to display album art. The actual screen touch interface with the SB TOuch is also a very nice feature/enhancement in many cases.
Re upgrading from a SB3 to Touch, I did just that, and was surprised at the improvement, even with S/PDIF feeding an outboard DAC. Much improved overall tone and "musicality" across the spectrum (?? less jitter). IMHO, well worth it! Plus, with the free EDO app add-on, you can stream up to 24/192 FLAC.
thanks folks, sounds like it might be worthwhile to switch eventually. I actually have been wondering if a new one is coming out, as their website says they are out of stock. Amazon etc. is carrying them at a lower price. Perhaps a new version with 24/192 ?
They are due for a new model I would say but do not know of anything specific.
Many longtime SB users (myself included) are fearful that Logitech is about to "pull the plug" on the SB product line, and focus on higher volume mainstream consumer electronic/computer products. If so, that would really be a shame. I suggest getting a Touch while you still can, especially if discounted. Even if Logitech throws in the towel, the open-source design of Squeezebox Server, and large community of end-users, will ensure the platform remains functional for quite some time.