Granite and digital..

I'm thinking about making a homemade isolation platform for my cd player.What I was going to make whould be 2 slabs of 2 1/2" thick pieces of granite separated by a air bladder of some kind..There a lot of different isolation shells on the market but wasn't sure if granite is good for the over all sound.Any comments.
since granite has some ill effects on audio.I wonder why they use it with turntables?
Granite has quartz in average is about 70% silica.
In crystaline form it is piezo electric.

Possible explanation?
What about those new pico feet from audio advisor?I put a set under my player and then put the vibrapods there before on top of cabinet by tray with a little weight on top of them.For $25.excellent bang for the buck ratio.
My experience with granite has been that it works poorly on most front end components but can be wonderbar under some speakers, sandstone is even better and with less audible anomalies.
I will agree that granite is not a good option for digital. Last night I moved my Marantz 6005 off my top shelf that had a 1 1\2 " piece of granite/cork down to the 2nd shelf to make room for the new SA-10. Wow. I played U2's "Mysterious Ways" and the opening riff was noticeably smoother. No doubt about it. As Spock would say "Fascinating". Today I will move it back and double check. I've tried granite under my TT with mixed results. A lot of dampening seemed to help. Since then I had just installed a 4 inch maple block by itself under it yesterday. I havent come to an opinion yet. I did have an MDF sandwich under it before. 2 pieces MDF with cork then a rubber truck liner in the middle and Herbie's pucks underneath.