Best Ethernet player

Looking for opinions on what is the best network player in terms is sound quality. Budget: 2-3k
Squeezebox Transporter was a good start but has been updated in several years
This one caught my attention.

Its available only on europe tho.
Although I do still run a Logitech Squeezebox for my hi res music files, my favorite and least troublesome system has been my Sonos.

I realize that the Sonos has its limitations. It only does 16 bit 48khz files at most, but man, in terms of ease of setup and use, it can't be beat. I have mine pulling files off of a Synology NAS, so I don't have to leave a computer running and I've never had it do anything freaky requiring a reset. The software is also rock solid.

In terms of the "total package" the Sonos is really hard to beat. It is also compatible with a broad range of file formats.
I've been researching this myself. Haven't heard anything yet, but here are a few options I've found:

Linn Majik DS 1

Cambridge Audio NP 30

Ref to Stereophile article on Ethernet:
Linn klimax ds

Haven't heard any better, different perhaps - the list includes playback design, dcs, among others.