Crisp sounding tubes for Modwright 5400ES

I recently upgraded from a Modwright 9100ES to a Modwright 5400ES. While there were improvements, the richer mid-range and more powerful bottom end of the 5400ES tipped my previously balanced sounding system into one sounding a bit overly polite with a lack if crispness in the top end.
Can anyone advise me on what tubes (output & rectifier) and power cables to chose so as to brighten the top-end.
Grateful for your advise.
Solentgreen, I find Mullard GZ32 'overly-sweet' sounding in my MW Transporter. I'm rolling NOS Tung-sol 5u4gb and I think it will work for you.

I know several also find gz34 and EML 5U4G too sweet and highly recommends JJ 5u4gb. I haven't rolled but only $15 so will try soon.

Good luck!
+1 regarding Audience powerchords. When I initially did in home comparisons of different PCs, I heard dramatic differences swapping the PCs on Modwright Sony 5400es. I quickly chose Audience powerChords for all my equipment. It adds a sense of energy and life to a more quiet background - more ease without robbing dynamics. Uncorks the sound. ESP on the Modwright.
I'm very sorry for "intervening" with this question, but I am curious since I have a stock Oppo 95:

Where does the stock 95 fall on the warm/full to open/detailed spectrum of the modded Oppo and Sony? Or maybe it's "outside" that spectrum?

Thank you

I'll let you know how the Synergy/Create 5AR4 tube sounds compared to Mullards when I receive it.
Hey guys, really appreciate all your help here. It looks like the first thing I should try is to swop out the Mullard 5AR4; then maybe try some other output tubes, maybe the GEs.
As for my cables, I'm using a Lessloss DFPC power cord for the 5400ES, and a Black Sand Silver Mk V for the power supply. From the power cable forums, it does not seem like these cables would cause my problem. As for ICs, I have tried Pure Note Vanguard and VH Audio fine silver DIY ICs. The latter helps to bring to lift the top end a touch.
In case any of you are interested, the rest of my system is Aesthetix Calypso pre-amp; Krell FPB300c power and Von Schweikert VR4jr speakers. I use a Hydra 8 power conditioner and a separate Hydra 2 for the Krell. I also take a lot of care in component a lot of care taken in system set-up with use of Herbie's accessories equipment & speaker support with accessories from Herbie's Lab.
Thanks again.