Empirical Audio Overdrive vs AMR DP 777

Has anybody compared these two dacs interested in USB via Mac mini

Abruce - I have a demo Overdrive SE that I can send out for a refundable deposit, but it must be returned intact. This particular unit is not for sale. This way I have one that is broken-in available for audition.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Thanks Brian, and Steve, after these new amps break in I'll look into test driving these dacs
The AMR DP is in the house, it's fully broken in just needing some time to warm up....it's better than my EE Dac + how much better is still to be determined
Here's a good thread about what are the best USB dacs.
The reviewer A/Bed alot of great USB dacs from the
Acoustic Arts Tube-DAC / Audio Research DAC8 / Weiss DAC202 / dCS Debussy / Meitner MA-1 / AMR DP-777
