Recommended coax cable for Metrum Octave

I'm getting an Octave to go with my SB Touch and need a coax cable to go with it. Since my cabling is Purist Audio, I was thinking PAD Genesis, but Cees at Metrum provided the following "specs" which the Genesis does not fulfill (#2 & 3):
1) 75 Ohms
2) Teflon isolators for shield and center conductor
3) Both core and shield should be copper silver plated

I'm thinking a VH Audio Pulsar Ag would fulfill this. But would appreciate hearing what has worked well for you.

Thank you!
I changed the RCA to a 75ohm bnc on my metrum, so now bnc from jkmk3 to metrum. A worthwhile endeavour.
The Wywires LiteSPD spdif is very good with the octave. It's terminated with RCAs, but they are Xhadows and legitimately 75ohm, so there is no need to modify the unit to take BNC, imo.
I read that Berkeley Audio Design ships a Straightwire cable with their products. I'm not sure if its intended to be an economical alternative or a worthy product.
I'm using the 1.5 meter Straightwire Data Link.

Can anybody speak to the idea that for SP/DIF a 25 foot cable should be used to eliminate the reflective nature of the digital signal passing through this connection?
Would an older McCormack Wonder Link be a good coax cable to use with the Metrum Octave?