Preamps built Into DACs

A lot of higher end preamps are also DACs. A lot of guys that buy these high end DACs already have a high-end preamp.

How much money could be saved on a $6k preamp/DAC if the preamp section was removed? In my case, a preamp on a DAC is redundant. I believe the preamp section should be an option on a DAC.

What say you?
Many have ditched very expensive preamps for a well implemented volume control in the DAC(including me). Considering the amount of loss incurred in an analog cable and running signal through additional circuits I am not surprised.

To me there are no sacred cows in where to put the volume control (which is what we are really talking about here). I used tube pre, solid state pre and now the volume control in the DAC. Then there is the whole debate about analog VC and digital VC in the DAC.

I think the ideal VC implementation would be a DAC with a switch for 0db, -10db, -20db, -30db, -40db attenuation in the analog domain to match DAC output level with speaker sensitivity and desired volume level for the listening session, and then a digital remote control to attenuate up to an additional -20db. Wonder why no one has build this.
If you have just digital sources there is probably no good technical reason to have a pre-amp. I'm sure there are very good dac with volume controls out there. Maybe to introduce tubes in the pre-amp if a tube sound only fan.
Generally speaking in audio systems I prefer simplicity as less is often more. But this preference while good in theory(fewer boxes,power cables,IC etc.)takes a back seat to sound quality-music reproduction. We all will have different outcomes and opinions, no surprises there.

Grannyring my experiences mirrors yours, the better quality active linestages(premium tube models in my case) just sound much better, more complete and realistic to my ears. Those who find DACs with intergrated VC to their liking, congratulations and continued good listening.They just don`t cut it for me.
Regards to all.
I tried both ways with my Nuforce DAC-9 192k and preferred the sound with my preamp in place. When I used the DAC as the preamp it sounded a tad clinical and in your face. For my preamp, I'm using a Placette active and it has an excellent volume control. Using the preamp sounded smoother.