Correct way to burn in a new CD/SACD player

Just took deliver of my new Marantz SA 11 today. Have seen where many people suggest you turn it on and let burn in for several hours before actually playing. Don't see anything in my owners manual about this. What's the best/most widely recognized method to help insure the very best sound quality?
Simply install the interconnects between the SA 11 and your preamp or integrated amp, turn on the SA 11, and play a CD set on "repeat." The amount of time you leave the CD playing on "repeat" is up for conjecture, some believe at least 100-200 hours 24/7. No need to have any volume to your system.
Not related, but is this the S3 version? Would be curious to know your thoughts on this player.
Play away. I, for one, like to hear the improvements made during break in.
It's fun to see how much I can detect as it breaks in.

All the best.
"Don't see anything in my owners manual about this."

That is what is known as a CLUE!!