Replacement for Squeezebox Touch?

It's too soon to panic, but with Logitech's action to discontinue the Squeezebox Touch I'm looking ahead to a replacement.

I currently have my music library (in FLAC format) on an external hard drive attached to my PC. I then use the Logitech Media Server running on the PC to distribute the music files to the Touch through my home network. I'm using the digital output of the Touch into a Musical Fidelity M1DAC, and I can see and control the player through an app on my iPad. It all works great, even with hi-res 24/96 files. Additionally, Pandora and Internet Radio are all available through the Touch.

The Touch was an extremely cost effective way to get into this new (to me) mode of listening to my library. Now that I'm hooked I don't want to be left high and dry when and if the Touch goes belly up.

What reasonably priced options are out there? I know that the Mac Mini has been used by some, but I'm clueless on how to set up something like that. I'd rather not put a computer monitor in my audio rig. Could the Mini be controlled from the iPad? Also, since iTunes doesn't handle FLAC, how do I deal with that?

I know there must be other options as well, but price is very much an issue. Some of the media servers I see on Audiogon are $3K to $5K or more. They're unfortunately not in the cards.

Any responses would be appreciated. I'm sure I'm not alone with concerns on this topic.
Seems like someone figured the real value of the SBT. They are listed for sale on Amazon and Ebay from $500 to $1,000. If I didn't already have one, I'd readily pay those asking prices. It is worth every penny.
I've been looking for a while myself - this looks like a direct replacement for a Touch, but minus the touch screen and digital out. (So it's more like a Duet)

Open Squeeze Music Player : SqueezeBox Alternative / Replacement

It's supposed to work like any other SqueezeBox, and it's priced about the same as a Duet. Hope this helps!

Thanks for posting this. I am, however, very disappointed that it has no SPDIF digital out. Bit of a deal breaker for me. I know USBs are sufficient for many users and it may be a good choice if SQ is decent. I'm not sure how this is better than a Sonos, though.
Logitech may yet come back around again and offer a wireless device suitable for use with hi fis like SB that uses their newer server software. Old LMS software used with SB was getting cluttered and problematic to maintain I think. Their new radio devices could work if they would just add a digital output. The LT focus appears to be more on simplicity and usability. I can live with that, just need the digital output. REcommend everyone petition Logitech to add digital output to their newer devices.
I'm confused. One of the concerns with the Logitech Touch was the lack of USB and a true BNC SP/DIF output and limited bandwidth.

I find it odd that this company went to the trouble of going USB yet provide little in the way of USB specification. They do go into great detail regarding programing.