Romulus CD player--

Anyone have any experience with the above product, and or input regarding same?
Grannyring wrote "I just want to listen to the music more than the sound with the Romulus". That essentially says it all. The litmus test for me has been this, do components cause you to get lost in the music or do they have you analyzing the sound.IMO the best audio components draw your attention to the emotional and communicative power of music. The more hifi like components lead towards a focus on a check list of sound parameters. Well anyway, that's been my experience .
I'm a disc spinner as well and have no desire to go with a computer based system, my tube player is so musical and engaging...
Grannyring, is your unit, aside form DSD, now "identical" to the Signature version? Aesthetix is selling the latter for 10K....that's 3k more than the standard version. When you say the bass is improved, do you mean deeper and tighter? Can you elaborate a little further on the sonic differences between the 2 versions? Any reason Duelund caps weren't chosen? I'm also looking to simplify with a one box solution.....not interested in computer audio.
Grannyring, I guess Lula wants to know if the Signature version is just as musical as the standard as sometimes when a component has very tight bass it may also have a little bit leaner overall balance.