Record-playing Rituals?

I'm curious what everybody's riuals are when listening to albums. How often do you clean the records? Every Time? How often do you clean and lubricate the stylus? Every time?

That makes sense Dave since as I indicated above, I was noticing more beading on brand new never played LPs. Really glad I asked the question and thanks to Brian Weitzel for the clarification. In case you happen to read this Brian, what kind of brush do you use or recommend, and should RRL Super Wash be applied directly to the record (the way I do it) or to the brush as I've read some others do?
In previous conversations, Brian told me he prefers to spread RRL fluids with CF brushes, the same kind you dry brush with, using one for DC and one for VW.

I've tried those, the Last brushes, painting pads from Walmart and DD brushes. DD brushes work best and CF brushes are a close second. The CF brushes will occasionally shed a fiber. If your RCM doesn't pull the fiber out of a groove, your stylus will. Still, if I didn't have DD brushes I'd use CF. Those zillions of tiny fibers do a great job of getting the RRL fluids down into the grooves.
Has anyone here tried Vinyl Zyme Gold for cleaning there records??? Claims to remove the bacteria and other nasties that RRL fluid does not.

I use it on records with obvious mold growth or that don't clean up completely with a couple of RRL passes.

It removes some (never all) mold growth deposits. Not perfect but better than not using it.
"The less 'wet' the RRL solutions act on a record"

It's kind of like if you wash your hair and the shampoo doesn't lather up: you got greasy greasy hair.