Are Dual turntables any good?

If so, what vintage? Are they tweakable?

I saw a Dual at the flea market this weekend. Should have wrote down which one it was. I'll check back next week. I'm thinking the table is from the early 80s.

Been looking around for cheap tables to tinker with and perhaps learn something.
Another belt-drive Dual to consider is the 1245. I owned one for a long time without any trouble. I used it with a Shure V15 III. I then progressed to the new AR table and then to a Sota Saphire III, which I still use today.
I owned a 505-3, or was it a 503-5? Honestly don't recall but it was a nice belt drive that always peformed well. Try this web site for a lot of good info on vintage Dual tables:
I believe the 701 is the most popular and sells for the most. I have a CS-5000 but I don't use it.
Rwwear, how is the CS-5000. I have a chance to get one for $275. Is that a decent deal? It would be replacing a B&O RX turntable. Would this be a major improvement? Thanks.