P75 seems more sophisticated than Black Cube

The Black Cube SE cost about $100 more than the P75 yet the P75 seems to be talked about as if it is more sophisticated product. That just seems to be the vibe I get from posts about these two when searching the archives. The price of these two is about my $ limit and I don't see much else to choose from. I plan to try a low output MC in the future. Perhaps looking to another Dynavector, Lyra (?), or Shelter in the future.

Also, does anyone know if the Black Cube SE will be cheaper if purchased while in Germany (vs in the US)? I can find this out on my own - just asking if anyone has quick knowledge and also where did they get there BC in good 'ol Deutschland?
The whole concept behind the p-75, was that all the production cost was put in the circuitry, so dyna could put out a revolutionary product at near budget price, i have tried this unit as well, and find with a low output mc, running thru the phono enhancer mode, is pretty amazing, i am fascinated with this little unit, may not be much to look at, but it performs way about its price point.
Sounds good, I was giveing comparison direct thats all.. I would not have said anything If I did not try all these units, just worked out that way, But its true if it works better with the very low output MC and the MS does not if someone compares the two then p75 wins... I was simply just bringing it in the open if you are in the market and did not hear of these other units at the price point you may look into it is all... Funny thing is Musicdirect.com which is a pretty serious Vinyl place, and literally have turntables set up at the sales peoples desks to listen all day while they work, They actually prefer the Trigon(sorry above I called it the Triad) over both but its MM only so its not gonna help the original question, so I was just throwing out options for the fact people were makeing comparisons with the black cube and all that earlier, which they carry too.

See link, I think they carry more phono stages than anyone I have seen , and have every brand in this price range which is kinda nice. 2 pages worth

Hey thanks particapants for all the help. I'm probably going to go the Dynavector route. I hadn't even considered Musical Surroundings so that is still something to think about.
the musical surroundings is a decent unit that's very flexible. having said that, with a low output mc there is simply no comparison to the p-75. i've owned them both and i can't fathom how anyone with a lo mc that has done significant listening with a p75 in pe mode would find the ms to be better.

oh, and the ms is not what i would consider to be a better built unit. bigger, sure, but lightweight and flimsy, if you ask me.