I don't know where else to post this...so,

Anyone know where to find an attractive (or coll looking) little light for above me turntable. I listen in the dark and have to get up and run around like an idiot every time I change a record. I'm looking for something smallish, halogen (maybe)????

any ideas?
Audio Advisor at www.audioadvisor.com used to carry one. Check with them at 800-942-0220
Here's a couple of pendant lights you may find interesting.


It's the smaller 8" version which may still be too big but it's a nice design.

And here's one at The Home Depot that I think is just the right size if the decor is a match:


Beyond these two there is a slew of little pendant-styledlights that should work well with most any decor and on a dimmer these smaller lights could offer just the right amount of style and lighting you seek.

I think you want the littlite. It's available from AudioAdvisor or Interstate Music and lots of other places.