I don't know where else to post this...so,

Anyone know where to find an attractive (or coll looking) little light for above me turntable. I listen in the dark and have to get up and run around like an idiot every time I change a record. I'm looking for something smallish, halogen (maybe)????

any ideas?
Here's a couple of pendant lights you may find interesting.


It's the smaller 8" version which may still be too big but it's a nice design.

And here's one at The Home Depot that I think is just the right size if the decor is a match:


Beyond these two there is a slew of little pendant-styledlights that should work well with most any decor and on a dimmer these smaller lights could offer just the right amount of style and lighting you seek.

I think you want the littlite. It's available from AudioAdvisor or Interstate Music and lots of other places.
Hi folks, Audio Advisor has them and I'm looking into one also. They aren't exactly cheap though.